The Making After-School Cool Podcast is an essential part of the CASE for Kids push to increase the awareness of resources that improve quality in the after-school and out-of-school time field. Join Mike Wilson and field experts as they discuss best practices, the growth mindset, project-based learning, social emotional learning, restorative practices and student engagement all with after-school providers in mind. Brought to you by Case4Kids
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Ep 116: The Teenage Life: Featuring students from Chavez High School
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Today’s episode of the Making After School Cool podcast features students enrolled in the Chavez High School 21st Century Community Learning Center program under the supervision of Ms. Keanda Fuller. This episode highlights the work of students who produced their own podcast episode entitled “The Teenage Life.” This is a project-based learning activity that is coordinated by Maria Perez.
During this podcast you will learn more about the following:
- The viewpoints of teenagers regarding adults in their lives
- A teenage female’s perspective of the difference between how her parents’ treatment and expectations of their daughters compared to their sons.
- A teenage male’s perspective of the difference between how of her parent’s treatment and expectations of their daughters compared to their sons.
- How teenagers feel they will treat their children
Chavez High School students Gloria Jandres, Mariana Reyes Contreras. Romeo Vigil , Liliana Nava, and Troy Bennatte
Mike Wilson
Harris County Department of Education
CASE for Kids
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Preview Ep 116: The Teenage Life featuring students from Chavez High School
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Today's preview episode of the Making After School Cool podcast features students enrolled in the Chavez High School 21st Century Community Learning Center program; under the supervision of Ms. Keanda Fuller. This preview highlights the work of students who produced their own podcast episode entitled “The Teenage Life.” Their episode was written, produced and hosted by Gloria Jandres, Mariana Reyes Contreras. Romeo Vigil , Liliana Nava, and Troy Bennatte. This is a project-based learning activity that was coordinated by Maria Prez.
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Ep 115: Helping Secondary Students Learn Job Skills featuring Kalon Collins
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
This is episode 115 of the Making After School Cool podcast which focuses on the importance of secondary students learning job skills prior to entering the workforce. So how do students with limited job experience learn the necessary skills to be good employees. One such organization with the mission of assisting student prepare for the labor force is Workfaith. Workfaith offers per-employment mentorships to secondary students in Houston Texas. To speak in strategies which help those in need access employment is Kalon Collins.
During this episode you will learn about the following:
- Information regarding Workfath, it’s purpose and services
- Benefits for youth who take advantage of career counseling
- Times services are available to students
- When it comes to networking how a student’s personality can have an advantage over others
- Advice for youth regarding how to determine the best people to use as a personal reference
“Kalon is a Partnership Specialist at Workfaith by providing faith-based training and coaching for anyone who desires long-term employment at no cost. In his role, he seeks out partnerships to impact and support the organizations missions through collaboration.
Kalon has over 12 years of working in the Non-Profit industry and had the pleasure of serving multiple leadership roles with the Chick-Fil-A corporation. He has been a full time minister and Pastor at a few churches and believed God has called him to serve WorkFaith. Kalon is married and the father of a new born son.
Kalon Collins
Mike Wilson
Harris County Department of Education
CASE for Kids
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
This is a preview of episode 115 which focuses on the importance of secondary students learning job skills prior to entering the workforce. So how do students with limited job experience learn the necessary skills to be good employees. One such organization with the mission of assisting student prepare for the labor force is Workfaith. Workfaith offers per-employment mentorships to secondary students in Houston Texas. To speak in strategies which help those in need access employment is Kalon Collins.
“Kalon is a Partnership Specialist at Workfaith by providing faith-based training and coaching for anyone who desires long-term employment at no cost. In his role, he seeks out partnerships to impact and support the organizations missions through collaboration.
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Ep 114: Levy’s Tutorial and Enrichment Center featuring Mary Davis-Baumann
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the world to depend on virtual communication. Since that time the emergence of online conferencing systems, such as Zoom and Google Meet, allows students to join online classrooms at a time most convenient for them. According to Barbra Lockee, The impact of virtual instruction could permanently change how education is delivered. Therefore, Today’s episode of the Making After School Cool podcast centers on recognizing virtual academic enhancement services available to youth and features Mary Davis-Baumann with Levy’s Tutorial and Enrichment Center.
During this podcast you will learn the following:
- The history of Levy’s Tutorial and Enrichment Center, and the organization's purpose .
- What makes Levy’s Tutorial and Enrichment Center different from other forms of academic enhancement services?
- THe age group and subject areas they provide academic support?
- THe types ofervices available for adults as well as students with learning disabilities?
In the area of academia, Mary has conducted classroom instructions to students in elementary school, middle school, and in high school. She has assisted students in mastering English course objectives at the college level. Additionally, she has tutored in public schools and have successfully met their schools' testing guidelines, as well as, state and federal testing guidelines. In fact, the learning strategies and techniques Mary teaches in tutoring sessions can certainly be applied in the student's classroom and in the student's personal lives.
Levy’s Tutorial and Enrichment Center
Mike Wilson
Harris County Department of Education
CASE for Kids
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
This is a periew of episode 114 of the Making After School Cool podcast. This episode centers on recognizing academic enhancement services available to youth and features Mary Davis-Baumann with Levy’s Tutorial and Enrichment Center. The learning strategies and techniques Mary teaches in tutoring sessions can be applied in the student's classroom and in the student's personal lives.
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
This episode of the Making After School Cool podcast features my discussion with AJ Crabill concerning engaging educational leaders, school board members and community stake holders to focus on improving student outcomes regarding.
During this podcast you will learn more regarding the following:
- What inspired Mr. Crabill passion for educational issues and reform?
- What Mr. Crabill means when he states “student outcomes don’t change until adult behavior change”.
- Crabill’s description of the role of school boards and who he thinks think would make excellent members?
- What is the difference Between Being a Board Focused on Student Outcomes vs Adult Inputs?
- What are the four types of ineffective School Board styles versus the most effective School Boards?
- Who should read his book “Great On Their Behalf: Why School Boards Fail, How Yours Can Become Effective”
AJ Crabill is an education reform advocate and public speaker on education reform. He currently serves as the national school board governance leader at the Council of the Great City Schools. Prior to this position, he was Texas Education Agency's Deputy Commissioner for Governance. Crabill served eight years (2008–2016) on the board of the Kansas City Public Schools, serving as president for a majority of his tenure.
In April 2016, the new Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath appointed Crabill as one of his Deputy Commissioners. In his role, Crabill developed and frequently facilitates leadership and governance training sessions to educate current and potential school administrators and board members on how to better execute the responsibilities of their positions. He was in charge of the agency's efforts to improve schools and ensure accreditation. Crabill, frequently states, his main focus is "improving student outcomes".
Mike Wilson
Harris County Department of Education
CASE for Kids
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
This is a preview of episode 115 where I discuss with AJ Crabill the importance of engaging educational leaders, school board members and community stake holders to focus on improving student outcomes. Mr. Crabill is an education reform advocate and public speaker on education reform. In 2016, the Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath appointed Crabill as a Deputy Commissioner responsible for developing and facilitating leadership and governance training sessions to educate school administrators and board members on how to better execute the responsibilities of their positions
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Ep 114: Young Audiences of Houston Self Care Labs featuring Dr. Christine Phares
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Today’s episode of the Making After School Cool podcast features my discussion with Dr. Christine Phares regarding Young Audiences of Houston is collaboration with schools to make safe spaces for students for social emotional learning. The topic of this episode highlights spaces for students to access when they are experiencing severe anxiety, depression, or another extreme negative emotional outburst.
During this podcast you will learn about the following:
- Information regarding the Self Care Labs, how it works, and how long as it been in existence.
- The steps for establishing a Self-Care Lab site
- The best way for anyone who would like to get more information regarding the Self Care Labs or have access to resources?
- Data on the benefits to the students
Dr. Christine Phares currently serves as the Program Director for Young Audiences of Houston, supporting programs across more than two hundred site partnerships, overseeing 184 teaching artists, and leading the YAH Education Committee. Prior to joining Young Audiences, Christine has worked as an Educator in public and independent schools, an Education Consultant, and with the Metropolitan Opera Guild.
Christine also holds experience as an opera singer and has performed with The Miami Music Festival, Rockwall Symphony, UNT Opera, Lamar Opera, and the Institute for Young Dramatic Voices. She holds both undergraduate and graduate degrees in music and education and a doctorate in education.
Published research includes a study on classroom management and gender with additional research on the impact of Music Education on Texas Standardized Test Scores.
Christine is the recipient of the Harris County Department of Education Spirit of Excellence Award – Community Connection Champion, has recently served as a panelist on pathways for diversifying teaching artist networks at the Arts & Action Conference, serves as a Grant Panelist for Texas Commission on the Arts and Houston Arts Alliance, and volunteers on the Scholarship Review Committee with Greater Houston Community Foundation.
Dr. Christen Phares
Mike Wilson
Harris County Department of Education
CASE for Kids
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Today is a preview of episode 114 of the Making After School Cool podcast and features my discussion with Dr. Christine Phares regarding how Young Audiences of Houston is collaborating with schools and OST professionals to make safe spaces for students with and emphasis of social emotional learning. A few suggestions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) Schools can use a variety of strategies to help students improve their emotional well-being and connectedness with others. Thus, the topic of this upcoming episode highlights spaces for students to access when they are experiencing severe anxiety, depression, or another extreme negative emotional outburst.